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Auric Runefather On Magmadroth


72,00 €

In Stock


Spearhead: Fyreslayers

1x Battlesmith

5x Hearthguard Berzerkers

20x Vulkite Berzerkers With Fyresteel Handaxes

91,99 €

@ Gamesisland

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Fjoris Flamebearers

1x Grimhold Exile

10x Vulkite Berzerkers With Bladed Slingshields

10x Auric Hearthguard

88,00 €

@ Kutami

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Start Collecting Fyreslayers

1x Auric Runefather On Magmadroth

1x Auric Runeson

1x Auric Runesmiter

10x Vulkite Berzerkers With Bladed Slingshields

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